Huawei develops 3D camera for skin health detection

Huawei develops 3D camera for skin health detection

Huawei is working on technology. This is said to make it possible to perform analyzes of the face and structure of human skin. The information comes from a recently revealed .

The patent was filed by with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in July 2021 and released on January 27, 2022, reports LetsGoDigital. This 43-page documentation details a triple camera system capable of taking 3D images with the aim of performing accurate facial analysis.

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The cameras have been positioned in such a way, with the first and second cameras parallel to each other. The third camera is placed between the two and in the center of the camera module lies a large screen.

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However, Huawei can apply the camera technology in a way it deems appropriate because the patent is actually a “utility patent”. A few different ways are as an optional accessory or even as a detachable camera.

During recording, instructions on the screen will be given to capture the full 3D model of the face. It is likely that the user will have to move his head for the process. Although designed for human faces, the system can also recognize animals such as cats and dogs.

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Reporting from Gizmochina (15/2), the result of this process is some detailed new details about pores, wrinkles, pimples, blackheads, color spots, red areas, dark eyes, or a combination of these. After that, appropriate tips and recommendations will be given to help improve skin condition.

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